Typography Calendar

I chose to do an illustrative theme for this calendar assignment and used typefaces that have a display or handwritten style to make feel like a personal journal or scrapbook. At first I was considering on drawing one character dressed up in different outfits and would perform different activities a different activity depending on the season.

These are the rough layout and character sketches I made beforehand. I originally wanted to do a colourful theme but I felt that it would take more time to outline and colour each month so i decided to stick to a black and white theme instead. And rather than drawing the same character doing different activities I decided to draw my favourite celebrities instead and vectorize each drawing in Adobe Illustrator.

These are examples of some of the drawings I made on some of my favourite celebrities and Youtubers. I originally wanted to make the black outlines white stand out on the black background of the Calendar. However, when I tried to change the black outlines to white in Adobe Illustrator the outlines looked less flattering with the white outline, so I decided to stick with the black outline and add in a white paper cut-out behind each drawing so it would stand out from the black background.

I thought it would be less time consuming for me to keep my colour palette black and white but there were certain small things I forgot to take into consideration when only working with 2 colours. For example, I should have taken into consideration the placement of the black outlines once I converted it to a white colour. If I had more time for this assignment, I would have considered doing a colourful theme rather than a black and white as well as add in more design onto the background.

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